Issues & Similar Cases

Check out the MD Circuit Court docket to see the lawsuit’s docket and what’s happening in the case.

Also visit the Maryland Homeowners’ Association website. They’ll keep you up-to-date as to your rights and your Association’s responsibilities.

Why do Condo Associations need to maintain detailed, historically accurate records? Read this article by respected MD lawyers Tom Schild and Craig Wilson for a few good answers why.


Here is alittle background to help provide a context for discussion.

Jo-Ann Fiscina had to sue her condo association to compel them to follow their governing laws. This case is very much like our situation.  Read her story in the Washington Post. Here are some of the public documents in that case.

Fiscina Complaint Against Devonshire East Condo 10-18-06

Montgomery County CCOC Ruling On Motion to Dismiss 1-30-2008

Decision and Order – Devonshire East Condo

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