Highlights from 9/23/08 Board meeting

The Board cancelled this year’s annual meeting and election, so you might want to attend Board meetings to stay up-to-date. Did you fail to receive notice of regular, special or committee meetings? Call our manager Ruth at Comanco for the schedule for all governing meetings. Want to view the minutes, election records, financials, other Association information? Make an appointment with Ruth, she’ll be only too happy to help.

Did you know the Board asked the county to install no-parking signs on Jeffrey Drive? You might want to ask the Board why their hatred of those 3 boat trailers means Jeffrey Drive residents lose 24/7 parking privileges. Be careful your friends and family don’t get towed!

We’re one year out and the Board said they have no idea when the work at 1150 and 1152 Jeffrey Drive (you know, the “FIRE HOUSES”) will finish. They blamed it on insurance companies and said work is stalled because of MOLD problems. They promised an update at the next meeting 10/28/08, 7PM at Comanco.

Did President Joe DeSantis really say we’re paying for THREE lawyers in the current litigation, including Comanco’s? Our treasurer Kathy Marek didn’t appear to know that. Did he really say our By Laws require us to pay Comanco’s legal bills in the current lawsuit? Maybe I missed it, but I haven’t seen that clause. Something you might wanna ask Your Board of Directors for more information about.

Our new Board member Jim Morrow is looking for a copy of the By Laws. Can a neighbor help?

Did Treasurer Kathy Marek really say we’re now $3600 in the RED because of legal fees, and had no plan or projection for how much it would cost to defend themselves, and that a special assessment will be levied? A question to ask the Board at the next meeting is: How much do you intend to spend before you entertain a different strategy? How much is available? What about those CDs…?


Contact Joe DeSantis to get on his brand new By Laws and Architectural Rules Reform Committee. This is the committee that will try to change or update our by-laws and rules that control how you use and enjoy your property. Didn’t know about this commitee? Talk to Joe; he’ll be needing your guidance and input.

Contact Mike Helpa to get on his Transportation Committee. He’s trying to install speed humps in the community. Didn’t know about this committee, either? Gee, they’ve held so many meetings and had so many talks with the county already! Maybe Ruth can provide you the minutes and bring you up to speed.

3 responses to “Highlights from 9/23/08 Board meeting

  1. This has been a wonderful, caring and loving neighborhood since I moved here in 1985. Why do you want to mess up our fabulous area?

    It is time to back off and let us remain the neighborhood and the friendship we have all had.

    Enough is enough. Is this just a power play on your behalf Chris? I think it is. Leave it alone and go about living happily in our neighborhood. There is enough stress in this world without you adding more.

  2. Congrat’s for exercising your rights. Other HOA associations are watching! Our neighborhood recently “had a committee form” too that I was not aware of and before we know it, ugly road barriers are placed for “traffic calming” while kids are still unsupervised/or not taught to respect the road, and that is REALLY the problem. Sometimes it is not easy to go out there alone and stand up for what you believe in, but at least you care. Sometimes it is not easy to voice your opinion and have folks hear you but hopefully now they will listen. It sounds like that is really what you want. Good luck and hope it is resolved with both parties respecting each other.

  3. Welcome to the dysfunctional world of HOAs!
    The association lawyer is right now egging on the board to prolong this conflict…It is MONEY IN THE BANK!
    There is an entire lobbying organiztion, The Community Associations Institute, that represents lawyers and prop. managers that prevents any commonsense resolution to these kinds of conflicts.
    This will go on as long and as expensively as possible if the lawyers have their way…And they ALWAYS DO in HOAs.

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